Revolutionising Awareness

How to save Awareness

Posts Tagged ‘atlantis’

We are here

Posted by Admin on May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Greetings, we return this day to provide further insights into the current situation on your planet. As we have said before, and as others have disclosed, there are large numbers of your brothers and sisters from other star systems living among you. (Please note the use of the words, “we” and “us,” in the following message — a further demonstration of the way in which your star sisters and brothers experience the Oneness of all.)

Our presence among you occurs in several ways: First, a soul replacement can take place where one of us exchanges our soul for the existing soul of an Earth human. You call this a “walk in.” There are many of us from different star civilizations who are functioning on your planet in this way. Most often the Earth human recognizes that this has taken place, and a period of adjustment ensues as the newly implanted soul adjusts to its new body, new terrestrial family, and new surroundings. When this occurs we often work as lightworkers; others of us quietly occupy positions of influence.

Second, at the time of the birth of an Earth human one of us from the stars — who is not embodied — may enter into the body of the human child. There are many of us who have had long careers on other star systems who have volunteered to come to your planet in this way. When born we are without memories of our past incarnations in other star systems, however over time we recall our non-earthly origins.

A third way in which this occurs is that certain members of our star races resemble Earth humans so closely that we can live among you without undue notice. Upon closer inspection, you may notice differences in our eyes and other features. The characters in your books, Mark, are some of us.

Some who are descendents of the Atlantian and Lemurian societies are on Earth. They live underground in protected enclaves in several locations about your planet. Though they closely resemble current Earth humans, they are of a higher frequency and generally have little interaction with the current residents on the surface of the planet.

Then there are those of us who little resemble Earth humans. We are sentient beings, but our physical appearance is quite different. We are from several star systems, and, although represented in large numbers aboard the starships about your planet, we generally do not live among you.

In addition, many of us walk beside you each and every day as you go about your ordinary lives. We are of a higher frequency so that you do not detect us with your five senses. If you are sensitive and/or highly conscious, you may “feel” us as we accompany you. Earth humans of similar high vibrations “see” us.

Summing up these many ways of our being among you, there are millions of us, your star sisters and brothers on your planet. There are millions who, in concert with “service to others,” are assisting you in your Transformation. There are also others of us of lower energy who, in alignment with the dark energy and in “service to self,” are allied with the Illuminati and acting against the transition of Earth humans. Allegiance to the light, or functioning with the dark, is not attributable to a particular race or civilization, as individuals of all universe civilizations possess free will and choose their particular way of being. Thus you will find individuals of races or group of us that are generally considered to be of service to others or service to self acting in ways opposite to the majority.

During the so-called “evolution” of this planet bacteria, plants, animals, fish, birds, and insects were all imported from other star systems. This accounts for the rich diversity of life on Earth. Most recently four races of men and women were brought here.

Many of your brothers and sisters from the stars have been on this planet for many thousands of years, in one or more of the forms previously discussed. We have at various times interfered with, influenced, and nurtured Earth human life. The construction of the pyramids in Egypt and elsewhere was undertaken under our directions and with our assistance. Everything from the design of the pyramids to the cutting and moving of the stones was with the assistance of your off-planet sisters and brothers. Your sisters and brothers of the stars imported much of your technology. This occurred either by direct physical interface with Earth humans, by suggestions in dreams, from “insights,” or from the reverse engineering technologies from recovered saucers.

On the other hand, the beginnings of your major religions were at the insistence of some of your sisters and brothers from distant star systems; they demanded worship as beings of a higher order. Since those days those of your brothers and sisters who have not been infused with the light have been involved in many schemes to seize control and enslave earth humans.

As things stand today, your religions generally do not recognize the off-planet influences that gave birth to them, rather they choose a route of disinformation to their followers. Your monetary system is under the control of agents of extraterrestrial origins. Off-planet beings control your governments either directly or indirectly through their influence. Your science, education, medical system, and legal system are all heavily influenced those who would control others for their own ends.

However there is more to the story than the assembling of a vast armada of starships who are lighting the planet in response to Earth’s cry for help. All of the star nations also contributed beings of light who now walk among you, who are totally in service to others, and who love you very much. We are beings who seek to enlighten the darkness on your planet. We are here among you both in physical form and in non-physical higher vibrations.

Those of us in human form walk the halls of your governments, are members of your military, work in critical positions in your banks and corporations, and are teachers to your children. All are helping to transform your civilization from predominately fear-based to predominately love-based.

Those of us in the non-physical communicate with people like you, Mark. There are many aboard the starships who communicate with Earth humans. There are those of us who live in the households of lightworkers as supporters and advisors. We provide a continuous link to the collective that surrounds your planet. Human lightworkers, along with those of us from other star systems, are anchoring the light from the cosmos, and retransmitting it like the coherent light from lasers to those with whom they come in contact.

Your planet is indeed lighting up, based on a joint effort between those of us living among you and your own individual efforts, coupled with the great light from the celestials and from the universe. It is a wondrous symphony of light, it is irresistible to any who are open to it; it is overwhelming to those who cling to the darkness. In a very short time all who are of the light will find themselves in a world of love. Many who have no knowledge of lightworkers are awakening. Many will awaken at the last moment.

Now you have a pictures of all the myriad ways in which light is coming to Earth through your sisters and brothers of the stars. Earth is lighting up like a giant Christmas tree with millions of points of light among her humans. Each of these points of light is infusing other humans like a candle lights the darkness. These points of light are encouraging, consciously or unconsciously, many who are now questioning traditional ways of behaving, questioning the structures in their lives and the reasons behind those structures, and standing up for the truth and love of a better way to live.

The sum total of all these efforts from your brothers and sisters of the stars is a massive infusion of light that is overcoming the final vestiges of the dark energy. There is no doubt in our minds that the new Earth, with a preponderance of light, will emerge within the next few months. We love you very much and wait for the day when you will join us as citizens of the cosmos.

Once again we are pleased to communicate with you and look forward to more opportunities. We hold you in unconditional love. Until next time, I am Adrial, a celestial of this universe, I am Bren-Ton, I am Justine, and I am Moraine, all from Andromeda, and I am Zepher of the Pleiades.



Read archived messages from Adrial, Bren-Ton, Justine, Moraine, and others at this site or by referring to:

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Posted by Admin on August 15, 2010


As I sit here in our cabin in the forest and look out the windows onto a variety of shades and textures of green, I understand why the Heart Chakra is green. The sounds of the city are replaced by an overwhelming Quiet, which is too often interrupted by the sound of the old refrigerator. But then the refrigerator stops, and it is back to the Quiet again.

Within this Quiet is a deep peace and connection with the green just outside the window. I understand now how the frequency of light that reflects from the Heart Chakra is green, for green is the color of growing life. The green collects the prana from the Sun to feed the trees, flowers, vines and grass, just as our Heart collects the love/prana of the Sun to feed our body.

The trunk, limbs and branches are the body of trees and perhaps the leaves are their Hearts. It must be difficult for the trees in the winter, when their Hearts are not available to them. As humans, sometimes we go into a winter in our life, where our Hearts feel unavailable, and we feel alone and unloved. In spiritual terms this time is call the “Dark Night of the Soul.”

It is during these times that we must take a lesson from the trees and find the love that has been stored in our “trunks” when the leaves were verdant and green. Maybe, spring and summer feel far away from us, but we must remember that Gaia, our Earth Mother, holds all the love stored by every tree on Her entire planet.

If we can take some time from our busy life to BE with Gaia so that She can share this storehouse of love with our aching Hearts, it will help us through our long winter. In our demanding city lives, we become too busy to remember that Nature, whether it is an ocean, a mountain, a forest, a park or our own yard, can fill our hearts with love. This love actually creates a portal through which we can return to spring.

Let us take a moment to walk through one of Gaia’s many portals to New Earth—The Redwood Portal:



We have become too detached from the Earth in our quest to find the God in the sky. The Piscean Age of the last two thousand years had led us to believe that if we were good, if we were deserving, then we could find love far off in Heaven—when we died. These teachings separated us from the land and sea and from Gaia’s healing/loving Nature.

Now, as the cycle of that Age is complete and we enter the Aquarian Age, the beliefs that were dictated to us by others are being replaced by the Knowing that we find within our SELF. This Knowing that awaits our discovery is within our Hearts, where the love and the dawning of spring are stored.

Spring is coming for us all and none too soon. Our dearest planet has suffered gravely from our perception of Her as a “thing.” We have forgotten that Earth is a living, breathing being. Of course, every terrible thing we have done to the planet, we have done also to other humans. We have become lost in a Dark Night of the Soul. Humanity has regressed from the Divine Expression of Spirit to the tormentor and savior of a lost world.

After the final destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria, we entered a planetary season of decline and fall, which progressed into a long, harsh winter. There were, of course, times, seasons, cultures and people that somehow remembered the Truth of Spirit’s unconditional love and multidimensional light. These cultures and people were beacons in the long, dark night.


We are completing the 25,2556 year cycle of the Procession of the Equinox, the amount of time it takes for our Solar System to transit all the way around our Milky Way Galaxy. Halfway through this cycle, our ancestors on Lemuria and Atlantis were at the “back door” of the ascension cycle, just as we are now entering the “front door.”

It is said that those who do not know their history, are doomed to repeat it. Do we know the history of these expressions of our greater SELF? Do we remember the mistakes that were made then, so that we don’t make them again?  In fact, many of us who chose to embody at this time, swore to remember our lives on those distant worlds.

Why would we swear to remember them? The answer is that those who remember their history can learn from the past and use it in the present. Those who take responsibility for their mistakes can forgive themselves for making them. With this forgiveness, we can dare to remember the reasons why the mistakes were made and correct the problems before they had a chance to begin again.

Humanity is the only animal that spoils its own nest. If we can find the reason why we have done that, then, maybe, hopefully, it will not be too late to correct the great harm we have done to our Mother. Then, rather than destroy our world, we can ascend it, and our selves, into the next cycle of experience, the fifth dimension.

It is for these reasons that we now return to worlds of Lemuria and Atlantis that have been lost beneath the sea. We return with the hope that we can remember our SELF that was a member of those realities. There are as many versions of these worlds as there are people to remember them, for there are myriad parallel realities. Unfortunately, all of these parallel realities ended in destruction, for it was the completion of their cycle. The details of this destruction are many, but the overall picture is the same.

Lemuria was destroyed through misuse of Love and Atlantis was destroyed through misuse of Power. Neither one was able to gain enough Wisdom to learn from their mistakes before it was too late. Therefore, rather then ascension, these worlds experienced destruction. However, many of the Lemurians and Atlantians did experience personal ascension, and others found homes in Inner Earth where they have been able to re-create their peak society. These members of Inner Earth will assist Gaia again, as our Solar System moves through the Front Door of the planetary womb, the Galactic Center. We have come half way around the Galaxy since their decline and fall. Have we gained that Wisdom yet?


The sky absorbs the Light today
It shines above to show the way
For in this moment the NOW is HERE
To think about what we hold dear

We’ve no time left to moan and pout
For now we know, what it’s about
It time for us to look inside
Beyond our fear and past our pride

The Truth will soon be free for all
To push away or “take the call”
We look away, or take a stand
To save the sea, the sky, the land

Protect the Earth, She is our Mother
She is our SELF, there is NO “other”
We are all ONE, we Know inside
And from that Truth, we cannot hide

We aren’t alone. We have resources,
If ALL the world can join forces
We ARE the planet that we have squandered
For, from our SELF, we all have wandered

The greed of now and in the past
Must be released, it cannot last
Our Mother calls, “It’s time now dears.
“Give me your love, I’ll take your fears.

“We need each other more than ever
“Although that bond, some try to sever.
“Love them most, for they are lost.
“They knew their game would have a cost.

“Yet, still they want what’s been before
“But, we’ve had enough, and don’t want more.
“So in their choices, we will not follow.
“Our New World lies just through that hollow.

“So reach right through and deep within
“To find the ONE you’ve always been.
“The Game is closing, it’s the final call
“To go Home NOW, once and for all!”


Blessings. We are the Arcturians, here to usher you back into the Arcturian Corridor. Just as there are earthly portals, which are opened by your love for Gaia, there are portals in outer space that are opened by your love for Spirit. All of these portals are always available, just beyond the limitations of your third dimensional perceptions. Therefore, we wish to further educate you regarding the care and maintenance of your new Operating System, which will expand your perceptions beyond all physical limitations.

By now your Multidimensional Operating System is fully online. You have “restarted your computer/brain”** and are ready to switch channels onto this new system of operating in daily life. The process of this switch is to remember from minute-to-minute that you are different than you have been, likely since your lives before the Fall of Atlantis over 10,000 years ago.
**(See July 2010 newsletter

It will be helpful for you to remember your lives in which you were a Priest, Priestess, Shaman and/or Healer, so that you may bring that Knowing into your current incarnation. In the lives in which you attained multidimensional consciousness, you could perceive the physical plane from a higher dimensional expression of your SELF. Therefore, it is important to bring these realities into your present memory to counteract your “lives-long” habit of viewing life through a third dimensional viewpoint. Some of these spiritual lives were “past lives,” whereas others were “parallel realities.”

There are many parallel realities, and they resonate to the myriad frequencies and sub-frequencies of the multidimensional matrix for planet Earth. To explain this concept, we ask that you imagine a stone that is thrown into a still pond. Now visualize the many circles in the water around the stone’s point of entry. The circles closest to the point of entry are clearest to your third dimensional expression, and each echoing circle becomes less and less distinct as it moves away from that point. It is the same with the many frequencies of Earth. Earth is like the stone thrown, not into water but into space.

The echoes of Earth’s many expressions of reality are densest closest to the physical planet for they hold more matter, which lowers the resonance of that circle. The versions of reality further from Earth’s physical expression hold less-and-less matter, which allows them to resonate to higher-and-higher frequencies. This amplification of resonance moves all the way through the fourth dimension, through the fifth, and into the sixth. The integration of the multidimensional light and unconditional love of the Flow from the ONE activates your Multidimensional Operating System. This activation gives you the capabilities to perceive these higher dimensional rings of reality as they echo into the higher dimensions.

By the time the inhabitants of Earth are able to perceive the fifth and sixth dimensional expressions of Earth, they are no longer planet-bound and have long since taken to inter-galactic and inter-dimensional travel. That “time” is closer than you may think. In fact, this reality exists NOW, just beyond your third dimensional perceptions. Through continually accepting and integrating the multidimensional light and unconditional love of the ONE, you can complete the “switch of channels” from the limited Third Dimensional Operating System to the unlimited Multidimensional Operating System.
The challenge is that, even after you have completed your transition into your Multidimensional Operating System, you will need to release the emotional addictions and defense mechanisms that have protected you from the dangers of your third dimensional reality. These behaviors and addictions that once protected you, now make it difficult for you to “take the leap” into a new way of living. You dare not “drop your shield” for fear that the dangers of your formerly polarized reality will attack you. This fear makes it extremely difficult for you to accept the very multidimensional light and unconditional love that will raise your consciousness beyond those dangers, once and for all.



Through remembering realities in which you embraced the unconditional nature of love which Flows from the fifth dimension and beyond, you can replace your old, protective mechanism with the love and light of the ONE. Unfortunately, most of your spiritual traditions since the “Fall” have had a Heaven, Nirvana, Afterworld, etc., which were actually in the fourth dimension. Since the fourth dimension still holds polarity, even in its highest octaves, there remains a conditionality to love. This conditionality teaches that love is something to be earned or achieved.

It is only through expanding your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond that you will be able to fully embrace, and live, the concept of unconditional love. Once your consciousness is filled with unconditional love, you will be able to realize that your old habits and emotional addictions were like training wheels on a child’s bicycle. These training wheels protected you from falling. However, once you realize that you can maintain balance on your own, the training wheels (habits and emotional addictions) slow you down and limit your ability to “enjoy the ride.”

On the other hand, once you have released your third dimensional limitations the work really begins. We say the word “work,” for releasing judgment in a world filled with fear, such as your own, takes a tenacity and determination that feels like work. In order to release your old coping mechanism of differentiating between dark/fear (which you move away from) and light/love (which you move towards), you must fully embrace the fact that YOU resonate beyond the reach of either of these options. In other words, you will need to release your habitual perception of your SELF as being your earth vessel and see your SELF as being the ONE who is using that earth vessel as a means to more intimately experience the third dimension.

When the resonance of your consciousness is beyond polarity, unconditional love can rule your every thought, for you KNOW that you are protected at all times. With the knowledge of this protection, you will not need to judge others as a means to protect yourself. Even more importantly, when your consciousness is filled with unconditional love, you can perceive the “big picture” of the small fragment of your SELF who is grounded in the third dimension.

YOU are a magnificent Being of multidimensional light and unconditional love. Just as your physical body can be lying on a bed with your hand reaching down to touch the floor, your Lightbody can be in the fifth dimension with your lower resonance of SELF extended down to touch the third dimension. To better understand:

  • Visualize that your physical self is lying on your bed with your hand touching the floor…
  • How does your hand experience the floor beside your bed?…
  • Imagine that you are your hand looking up at your body…
  • How does your hand perceive your body?…


  • Visualize that your Multidimensional SELF is in the fifth dimension with your third dimensional expression touching the physical world…
  • How does your physical self perceive third dimensional life?…
  • Imagine that you are your grounded one looking up at your Lightbody…
  • How does your physical self perceive your Lightbody?…

From your third dimensional perspective, you can see many powerful humans who willingly harm people and planet in their endless need for power and possessions. On the other hand, from the perspective of your fifth dimension SELF, you are united with the higher expression of these very same people. From your higher perspective, you realize that your grounded once can only perceive the lowest resonance of these fifth dimensional ones who are still “logged in” to the “Power Over Others” chapter of the 3D Game of Separation and Limitation.

You may even ask the fifth dimensional ones why their lower resonance is still logged in to that Power-over Game. Since you are coming from the perception of the fifth dimension, you would ask this question in the same detached manner in which you may ask someone why they are enjoying that particular Reality Show. Have you noticed how popular Reality TV has become? This appetite for a different reality, or several different realities, is actually the beginning of multidimensional consciousness.

Planet Earth, Gaia, is the expression of a great Multidimensional Being whose consciousness is so vast that it must be contained in the body of a planet. Gaia’s consciousness is now expanding beyond the point that it can be encompassed in a planet, and She wishes to expand Her expression of SELF into that of a Star. As Gaia becomes a star, Her inhabitants will expand their expression into being a planet. Fortunately, for those still logged into the 3D Game, this process is commencing. On the other hand, those whose consciousness is still limited to the third and fourth dimension will become increasingly uncomfortable.

A person whose consciousness resonates primarily to third/fourth dimension will have great difficulty with the instant manifestation of EVERY thought and emotion. The instant manifestation of their fear will not be enjoyable, nor will they like their every thought and emotion being read by others. The many secrets of the lower worlds do not exist in the fifth dimension. Therefore, those who still wish to live in separation from others will not be comfortable in that frequency of Earth.

With your expanding multidimensional perceptions, the intentions of others will be increasingly transparent, as you will perceive these intentions within your own form. In the same manner, you will telepathically hear within your mind and empathically feel within your body. Higher perceptions operate within the Unity of the ONE. You will no longer experience life as outside of you. Instead, you will know that all life is within.

Fortunately, your Multidimensional Consciousness will assist you in understanding this concept of “All life is within the ONE, which YOU are within.” Furthermore, your Multidimensional Operating System will allow you to unconditionally love ALL life. The protection that this unconditional love provides far surpasses any emotional addictions or behavioral defense mechanism.


There are many different versions of humanity because Earth has been “seeded” by numerous worlds throughout the Milky Way, as well as other Galaxies. To tell our story about the seeding of Earth we start, not at the beginning, but many cycles and millions of years after the initial seedings of Earth. A seeding of a planet is much like a seeding of the ground. Seeds are planted in the hope that they will grow and prosper. In the same fashion, beings from different planets, galaxies and dimensions, planted their “seeds” in the hope that they could live, grow and prosper on a new, young (in planetary terms) world.

We, the Arcturians, were among the first to plant our seeds on planet Earth. Hence, we will assist our grounded one is telling this tale. Before we discuss the relatively new societies of Lemuria and Atlantis, we encourage you to remember your Galactic Family. In order to do so, you will have to dust off the cobwebs of your many incarnations during the Piscean Age in which the Sun revolved around the Earth, and you were the most evolved planet in all of the Galaxy, or even the Universe.

It takes a strong person to recognize their weaknesses and an even stronger person to recognize the many lies that have limited their expansion into SELF. Furthermore, and most important to understand what we are saying, you will need to release the fear that other civilizations are as barbaric as your own. Yes, there are indeed some civilizations that function under the “Service to Self” paradigm, just as many Earth societies have since the Fall of Atlantis. However, most of those galactic civilizations have now evolved into the Unity Consciousness, which you are on the cusp of embracing.

As you will later discover, it was some of these “Service to Self” civilizations that were greatly responsible for the decline and fall, rather than the rise and ascension, of these two great civilizations. Just as the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis fell, there were some of the members of these worlds who did ascend. There were, also, those who took refuge underground within the body of Gaia to await their next opportunity to ascend. That time is NOW.

Because these refugees entered Inner Earth before Earth plummeted into Her lowest frequency, these beings live just one half octave above your current frequency of expression. Auspiciously, because of your Solar system’s completion of the Great Cycle of the Procession of the Equinox, this places Earth within a close proximity to the Galactic Center, which is increasingly raising the planet’s resonant frequency. Earth is now preparing to enter the 2,000 year Golden Age of Aquarius, in which your Solar System will enjoy the constant stream of multidimensional light and unconditional love emanating form the Galactic Center.

The influence of this multidimensional energy will allow those who can accept this gift the ability to hear the truth as told by those who have ascended, as well as those who have waited in Inner Earth. Because truth is relative to the perception of those who speak it, there are many stories of the rise, peak, decline and fall of the great civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. As We, the Arcturians, share our perspective, we welcome you to allow your perspective to awaken and grow within your consciousness, as well.




We begin our story at the beginning of the last Procession around the Equinox, 26,556 Earth years ago. A wonderful Golden Age was bringing the Cycle of Lemuria to its completion, while Atlantis was living within the Peak of its society. Lemuria and Atlantis were meant to bring Gaia into the polarization, which you have been experiencing since their fall. Lemuria was to be the “Mother Civilization” and represent the Flow of the electron, receptive/inflow, feminine polarity of energy, experienced as Love. Atlantis, on the other hand, was to be the “Divine Father” and represent the Flow of the proton, expressive/outflow, masculine polarity of energy, experienced as Power.

Through the marriage of feminine and masculine, Love and Power, the two landed expressions of Gaia could gain the great Wisdom to Ascend. Unfortunately, instead of a beautiful bonding and resulting ascension, their “marriage,” as with many earthly marriages, ended in a long divorce in which both of them lost everything. Part of the reason for this “divorce” was that their galactic parents never approved of this marriage. These Service to Self “parents” wanted to maintain control of the people and possessions of Earth. Power over others and greed was the cause of downfall then, just as it is now.

It was the children of the families who suffered the most. Those children are you. As Gaia moves again into the energy of planetary unity and possible ascension, the marriage of ALL polarities into the ONE is your best hope for ascension. As we tell the age-old story of love and power, peak and fall, unity and separation, we ask you to listen with your Multidimensional SELF, so that you will remember YOUR Truth. Through remembering your Truth, your own perception of this story, you can take the lessons from your distant “past” and bring them into your “present” to assist you in creating a “future” of ascension within the HERE of the NOW.

As we re-enter the Arcturian Corridor, we will sweep our consciousness into the sixth dimension to heal the damage done to the Divine Blueprint of Gaia by the destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis. Both of these realties resonated to a frequency that we would now call the fourth dimension. It was not within the Divine Plan to create a reality at the third dimensional level, for the absence of Spirit would make future evolution too difficult. Unfortunately, after the fall of Atlantis, Earth was so shaken on her axis that Her resonance dropped into the third dimension. It was then that the fourth dimension became the reality that vibrated as the fourth dimensional aura of Gaia, whereas Her body—Earth—resonated to the third dimension.

The creators of the Earth experiment of “life in an extremely polarized reality” were very concerned for they knew that the polarities of the third dimension were too harsh to allow an easy integration of spirit into matter. It is this integration of spirit into matter that allows the grounded ones to find and live in-between the extremes of polarity. In this way, the grounded humans could experience the lessons of living in a polarized reality, while having the safety of the center frequency of the ONE where all matter is still imbued with spirit.

All energy travels in circles. Therefore, the end extremes of the circles, such as the very dark/fearful and the extremely light/loving can merge. This merging resembles the bracken water where the fresh water of the river intermingles with the salt water of the ocean. When the fear and love intermingle in this fashion, the fear can appear to be love, and the love can look like fear.

This is the case when humans confuse their fear with love by believing that what they are doing to others is “for their own good.” In the same manner, when love becomes tainted with fear humans need others to prove their love by following their commands and personal needs. It is the fear that they don’t deserve love themselves that drives these people to command that others prove their love by being obedient.

LEMURIA                                                ATLANTIS

This paradigm began with Lemuria and Atlantis. The extreme scientific, protector, logical polarity of the male energy became ruthless in its plight to protect its people at all costs. On the other hand, Lemuria became so polarized to the feminine side that they became passive to the point of weakness. Then their only power left was thay of escaping into the higher planes. Meanwhile, they missed what the experimentation and hunger for power of the masculine Atlantians was doing to the body of Earth.


From this experiment of polarized reality on Earth, we have learned that both masculine (proton) and feminine (electron) energies must incorporate Wisdom, Power and Love within their own human earth vessel to serve as a means to find their center point.  Hence, the ATMA, the Three Fold Flame of Wisdom, Power, and Love was placed in the High Heart of every incarnating one. Unfortunately, in most cases, this correction was useless. After the final fall of Atlantis the frequency of Gaia’s body was so low that everyone one was too busy with the business of survival to ever connect with their High Heart.

As you look into your ancient history, you will see how it ignites issues from today. Many of you have a deep-seated fear of abandonment, which may appear to be extreme for your present reality. We the Arcturians, as well as the other members of your Galactic ancestors who are founders of life on Earth, have felt as though we have abandoned the many generations of the descendents of the Lemurian and Atlantian worlds. However, since Earth was created as a free-will planet, we were limited in the manner in which we could assist you.

It pained us greatly to see how you struggled after the fall of Atlantis. Unfortunately, until you, the humans of Earth, asked for our assistance, we, the Arcturians, Pleaidians, Sirians, as well as others, have only been able to speak to you through the awakened humans who asked us to communicate through them. Their call needed to be backed by great tenacity and dedication, for it takes many years to fully train a grounded one to receive and successfully translate our message of Light Language into linear, third dimensional language.

Fortunately, as the frequency of Earth is rising, more and more of us are able to incarnate on Earth. Furthermore, with the expansion of human consciousness, our incarnated ones are able to more easily understand and translate our messages. We wish to invite you who are interested in our communications to simply call us just as you would call on a telephone. Once you have asked for our assistance and guidance, we are free to give it.

It was difficult for us to first watch as Lemuria fell into collapse and then again as Atlantis slipped into it final demise.  We all realized that a greater story was being played out, and we remembered the mistakes that we had made when we, too, were also “children of Spirit.” Just as parents must observe their adult children make the same mistakes as they did, we had to merely observe, and send love, as our Earthy children made the same mistakes that we had.

Lemurians and Atlantians experienced a long peak of their society and eventual decline. This birth, rise, peak and decline of civilizations was the pattern for the remainder of that 25,2556 year cycle. Now that the close of this cycle is commencing, the Lemurians and Atlantians who have remained in Inner Earth and/or have incarnated again in this time zone will have another try at the ascension energy of the Galactic Center. We have watched many cycles of your evolution from our higher dimensional perspective, and many of us have taken earth vessels, so that we may be able to directly assist in this moment of great transition.


With the conclusion of our introduction, we ask you to re-enter our Corridor. Just as you have used the power of your imagination to step through the Redwood and the Sea Portals, we guide you to step through the space/time portal of our Arcturian Corridor. Once you enter this portal, time collapses into the NOW and space collapses into HERE. The journey through our Corridor is fueled by the power of your imagination, which is fifth dimensional thought, and you will be changing your frequency rather than your location. The progress of your journey through the Corridor is determined, not by your desire, but by your state of consciousness.

When you are within the Corridor, you are within your SELF who is within the ONE. This Oneness ignites your highest creative powers of thought, emotion and imagination. For every second that you can believe that you are living life in the fifth dimension and beyond, you are creating that reality for yourself and for the planet. Hence, remember to periodically view your life from the perspective of the fifth dimension. In this manner, you will begin to realize the many ways in which your life is already resonating to the fifth dimension.

Your old habits and addictions to fear and complaining were based on the Piscean Age in which hard work and suffering were noble. As you enter your dawning Aquarian Age, those old habits will be easily replaced with the peace and joy of living in Unity with all life. Therefore, we ask you to turn around in your mind to see your life as we do…

Do you see how your aura expands far above, below and around you?
Do you see how each kind thought and action expands your aura and makes your heart glow?

Observe how this glow of your heart precedes you in your earthly endeavors and protects you at night when you sleep.

Observe how you influence all the people in your every day life…
See how your aura interacts with your environment, your yard, the freeway, your pets, animals, birds, insects…

Watch how Gaia responds to the color of your aura…
Note how Her plants and animals respond to your admiration…
Pay attention to how the atmosphere wavers as you walk through it…

YOU are a powerful Multidimensional Being, just now emerging from your cocoon of doubt and fear. Turn around again to see that the Arcturian Corridor is directly in front of you…

Are you ready to be your SELF?

Are you ready to BE the Planet?

Are you ready to enter the Corridor?

If the answer is YES,

Enter the Corridor NOW!


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Arkansas: The Atlantean Crystal Awakening – And the Fall of Atlantis

Posted by Admin on March 28, 2010

Arkansas: The Atlantean Crystal Awakening – And the Fall of Atlantis

A message from Metatron channeled by Tyberonn Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light !

And so again we speak of the emerging mega vortex of Arkansas, the portal of the quantum crystalline frequency. For now, in 2008, this vortex vaults into global prominence with the unfolding of the dimensional lock that held the Atlantean crystalline wisdom, that of the Golden Age of Atlantis, that of the highest frequency obtained on your earth plane.

Indeed that time has come and in the present year will begin the unlocking of great Atlantean Crystals, held for over 12,000 years in dimensional seal within the magnetic complex of Arkansas. Many of you will be drawn to take part in the unveiling, for indeed you were there as witnesses to the deluge and some of you to the consequent movement of these amazing Atlantean master Crystals to this and other areas.

Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these will be awakened in 2008, and aligned with the other sleeping Atlantean Crystals in Brazil, Mount Shasta, Bimini and Lake Titicaca.

Indeed they will energize the Golden Sun Disc placed in Arkansas and align with the 12 patterns of same throughout the planet. Many are called, and many will come to participate in this awakening, as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise whose time has finally come. Many are there already, having been called to live within this crystalline vortex that will be fully in place in 2012. And so on the summer solstice of 2008, will the first crystal awaken.

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